A huge Thank You to everyone who took part in our #ActiveLearningDay2021. With over 400 schools involved, we loved seeing your lessons in action and hope you all enjoyed and will continue your Active Lessons. Below are some of our favourite tweets from the day.
Share your schools active lessons @TeachActive
As part of our wellbeing week we are supporting @TeachActive and their #ActiveLearningDay2021. We have been orienteering and solving maths problems as we go. ✖️➕➖➗ pic.twitter.com/QMuOyGd56t
— OLSS Tweets (@OLSSTweets) June 22, 2021
Year 3 being active in maths. #activelearningday2021 pic.twitter.com/71QWA5NZlm
— Cloverlea Primary (@Cloverlea1917) June 22, 2021
Kicking off our #ActiveLearningDay2021 in style! It is also our Victorian enrichment day and look at how fantastic some of our costumes are! #ActivelearningatOrchard #EnrichmentatOrchard @OrchardPrimaryA @TeamPastoral @TeachActive pic.twitter.com/nB8pioiZGx
— 3 Holly 🌈 (@3HollyOrchardPA) June 23, 2021
Taking Phonics outside and making it active for #ActiveLearningDay2021 What a great way to start our morning! 🤩⭐️ @OrchardPrimaryA @TeachActive #ActiveatOrchard pic.twitter.com/gXwo19DZ4x
— 1 Cherry (@COrchardpa) June 23, 2021
As part of #ActiveLearningDay2021 , Class 1 have been making arrays out of cones during their Maths lesson 🔢 #StGerardsMaths @Halton_SG @TeachActive #NSSW2021 pic.twitter.com/X2OkcL3XXh
— St. Gerard's (@StGerardsWidnes) June 23, 2021
Lots of fun this morning in #Overchurchmaths making the shapes of the faces of some of our 3D shapes! The children had to work out how many people they would need to make the correct number of sides! 😅👍 #ActiveLearningDay2021 What shapes can you spot?🤔 pic.twitter.com/7Ts47M6KWf
— Class 7 Overchurch (@Overchurch7) June 23, 2021
#ActiveLearningDay2021 wouldn’t be complete without a brain break dancing to our favourite song of the year! 👊🥳 @Overchurch8 @Overchurch9 pic.twitter.com/9OOtAxmYeI
— Class 7 Overchurch (@Overchurch7) June 23, 2021
Reception breakfast club have decided to exercise while waiting for their toast. #successfulstudents #ActiveLearningDay2021 @OrchardPrimaryA @orchard_maple pic.twitter.com/5SVJgclB2D
— Hazel_Orchard_PA (@hazel_orchard) June 23, 2021
Year 4 taking part in the supermarket sweep active lesson today during maths 👏 #ActiveLearningDay2021 @TeachActive #NSSW2021 @North_Solihull pic.twitter.com/mKG4HUKqVg
— St. Anne's C Primary (@StAnnesCP) June 23, 2021
Eagles have been creating sentences which included determiners and expanded noun phrases. A different kind of English lesson for #ActiveLearningDay2021 #Year6 @TeachActive @ColothanK @DonlonMrs pic.twitter.com/aO9BdUDvYY
— St Oswald's School (@saintoswalds) June 23, 2021
F2 always enjoy their active maths lesson, today we enjoyed being outdoors exploring positional language whilst playing a fantastic game of active musical chairs singing and dancing so close to the end of term! #ActiveLearningDay2021 #TeachActive pic.twitter.com/P5PTuIq4ge
— Manor Primary School (@manorschwirral) June 23, 2021
💙Team Mellor Year 4’s enjoying @TeachActive #ActiveLearningDay2021 ☀️ what a great way to learn about maths and literacy! 🏃🏻♂️🏃🏽♀️ #LetsGetActive #teamwork #fun #OutdoorLearning #MellorSportsWeek pic.twitter.com/AfEsQmZ2h1
— Mellor School Sports (@mellorsport) June 23, 2021