Case Study

Helping those children who have fallen behind in Literacy and Numeracy


Helping those children who have fallen behind in Literacy and Numeracy

Our Objectives

To help those children who have found Remote Learning during the last two lockdowns challenging and have fallen behind particularly in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy.

Our Challenges

The children were coming with a very wide range of needs and abilities but Teach Active allowed enough differentiation within each lesson that we were able to engage all the children within a session.

Our Delivery

This needed to be something we could run during the school day as our school policy was not to run any extra-curricular clubs during the 2020-2021 academic year.

We set this up as a lunchtime club and as this was for a young age group who needed physical activity at this time it worked very well. The children were fully engaged in the range of activities at the same time as having the boost of energy at lunchtime that was needed.

Going Forward

We hope to continue to run similar clubs across the Key Stages and now as extra-curricular activities as the restrictions have lifted. It is a great way to further support our Pupil Premium children and those pupils who do not always access other clubs that are on offer whether for economic or social reasons.

It has been a valuable resource at this time when we are helping children to plug the gaps in their learning due to the pandemic. The children have found the lessons engaging, interesting and a great way to learn.

Mrs Pen Hopkinson, Class Teacher

This has been an exciting project for our school to be involved in. The children have really enjoyed enhancing their learning through fun, energetic activities.

Ms Rachel Griffiths, Acting Head Teacher

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