With the cold weather finally here, we thought we would share some of our favourite lesson plans that can be used indoors to get children active and learning.
Reception - Beanbag Bonanza
Area of maths: Number / Teaching Objective: Automatically recall number bonds for numbers 1-10.
Year 1 - Fun with Fractions
Area of maths: Fractions / Teaching Objective: Recognise, find and name a half as one of two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity.
Year 2 - Networking Numbers
Area of maths: Addition and Subtraction / Teaching Objective: Solve problems with addition and subtraction.
Year 3 - Hands High, Hands Low
Area of maths: Multiplication and Division / Teaching Objective: Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables.
Year 4 - Connect Three
Area of maths: Geometry (Position and Direction) / Teaching Objective: Describe positions on a 2D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant.
Year 5 - Addition Heroes
Area of maths: Addition and Subtraction / Teaching Objective: Add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers.
Year 6 - Algebra Alphabet
Area of maths: Algebra / Teaching Objective: Ennumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables.
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Reception - Where’s My Toy?
Area of English: Literacy / Teaching Objective: Form lower case and capital letters correctly.
Year 1 - True or False?
Area of English: Reading / Teaching Objective: Explain key facts.
Year 2 - Follow the Verb!
Area of English: Writing / Teaching Objective: Consistent present and past tense.
Year 3 - The Mirror and Me
Area of English: Writing / Teaching Objective: Diagonal and horizontal strokes to join letters.
Year 4 - Jumble Sale
Area of English: Writing / Teaching Objective: Paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme.
Year 5 - Opposite Corners
Area of English: Writing / Teaching Objective: Verb prefixes (dis, de, mis, over, re).
Year 6 - Subheading Swap
Area of English: Writing / Teaching Objective: Layout devices (headings, subheadings, columns, bullets, tables).
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