
Indoor Active Learning Lessons

With the cold weather finally here, we thought we would share some of our favourite lesson plans that can be used indoors to get children active and learning.


Reception - Beanbag Bonanza

Area of maths: Number / Teaching Objective: Automatically recall number bonds for numbers 1-10.

Year 1 - Fun with Fractions

Area of maths: Fractions / Teaching Objective: Recognise, find and name a half as one of two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity.

Year 2 - Networking Numbers

Area of maths: Addition and Subtraction / Teaching Objective: Solve problems with addition and subtraction.

Year 3 - Hands High, Hands Low

Area of maths: Multiplication and Division / Teaching Objective: Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables.

Year 4 - Connect Three

Area of maths: Geometry (Position and Direction) / Teaching Objective: Describe positions on a 2D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant.

Year 5 - Addition Heroes

Area of maths: Addition and Subtraction / Teaching Objective: Add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers.

Year 6 - Algebra Alphabet

Area of maths: Algebra / Teaching Objective: Ennumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables.

Access all the lessons and resources using your Teach Active dashboard


Reception - Where’s My Toy?

Area of English: Literacy / Teaching Objective: Form lower case and capital letters correctly.

Year 1 - True or False?

Area of English: Reading / Teaching Objective: Explain key facts.

Year 2 - Follow the Verb!

Area of English: Writing / Teaching Objective: Consistent present and past tense.

Year 3 - The Mirror and Me

Area of English: Writing / Teaching Objective: Diagonal and horizontal strokes to join letters.

Year 4 - Jumble Sale

Area of English: Writing / Teaching Objective: Paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme.

Year 5 - Opposite Corners

Area of English: Writing / Teaching Objective: Verb prefixes (dis, de, mis, over, re).

Year 6 - Subheading Swap

Area of English: Writing / Teaching Objective: Layout devices (headings, subheadings, columns, bullets, tables).

Access all the lessons and resources using your Teach Active dashboard

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