
September Newsletter

I hope your first week(s) back at school has gone well, and that you are looking forward to a great school year ahead.

1. The difference your making!

2. A back 2 School game for your class

3. FREE Training for your teachers!

4. Our Curriculum Changes

At Teach Active, we love our resources – but they only make a difference when in the hands of brilliant teachers. There is a huge push nationally to improve children’s physical literacy and activity levels. Research shows that such children are better equipped socially, mentally, physically and academically.

Thank you for being a changemaker and making a difference!

Our new Seasonal Activity ‘Back 2 School’ is now live on your Teach Active Dashboard – it’s designed by Teach Active Champion Teacher Emma Marshall and is based on two of the five ways of well-being – Connect and Be Active.

Want to refresh teachers on how to use Teach Active? Or remind them how to get the most of the resource? 

- How to use Teach Active

- How to enhance your Maths provision

- How to enhance your Reading/Writing provision

- The impact of physically active lessons in school

Teach Active can now be tailored to any curriculum, whatever country you are in.

Next time you log-in you’ll notice you have the option to choose which country you are in and therefore which objectives to follow

More News

Transform your school’s Maths results with Teach Active Maths: online drop-in sessions now available!

Looking for a proven way to raise maths attainment and engage students through active learning? Join Jon Smedley, former Deputy Headteacher, and founder of Teach Active Maths, for a series of online drop-in sessions designed to introduce his dynamic approach to maths teaching....

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Our Ambassador Schools

With over 1000 Teach Active schools, choosing our original 8 Ambassador Schools was very tough!

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