Case Study

Using Teach Active to create happier, healthier and better attaining children across our MAT


Using Teach Active to create happier, healthier and better attaining children across our MAT

In our Aspire 2025 vision, under the people pillar, we have committed to ensuring all 36 Schools in the Trust to be ‘Well Schools’. These are schools who prioritise the contribution of improved health and well-being in school development and put PE, sport and play at the heart of their positive action. In order to achieve this, we needed to look at physical activity across the curriclum and provide colleagues with practical resources to enable them to achieve the highest amount of physical activity throughout the day.


In order to drive this across 36 schools, our annual whole Trust inset was themed around The Well Schools 3 pillars; Well Led, Well Equipped, Well Prepared. This day launched the Aspire Well Schools offer, which illustrates expectations for schools, alongside the support which can be accessed through the Trust Improvement Group. Teach Active played a key role in the success of our MAT inset, providing high-quality training and launching the Teach Active resource to all schools and teachers.


Collaboration across the Trust and with Teach Active has ensured that children’s physical health, well-being and love of learning is placed at the heart of this project. Teachers enjoy using Teach Active, have been upskilled and have more confidence in delivering active Maths and English lessons alongside their current planning/scheme. Teach Active is impacting on attitudes and attainment. The children enjoy Teach Active lessons, and the importance of creating happier, healthier and better attaining children through this approach was recognised at one of our school’s recent Ofsted inspections...

'Leaders place great importance on pupils’ wider development. There is a strong emphasis on developing pupils’ physical and emotional well-being. Encouraging physical activity to support pupils’ academic development is highly prioritised.’

'Teach Active has transformed teachers planning of English and Maths. They have been given a new lease of creativity and that has excited and engaged the children. Naturally this impacts positively on attainment. It is wonderful to see the joy from both the children and staff.' Sian Hall, Head Teacher

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