Embracing AI to support teachers with active Maths and English lessons in Primary Schools!
At first, like with so many people I have met, AI scared me a little – the fear of the unknown and uncertainty. Fast forward a few months, and the thought (although still scares me a little) now excites me – as does the prospect of how we can utilise this to enhance our Teach Active resource even more.
We have spent the last few months teaching our own AI all about Teach Active – in order that it can support teachers in planning lessons.
Our AI lesson builder goes live in the first week of January 2024 and will be available to all Teach Active subscribers, as well as any schools/teachers who are on trial.
Traditionally, teachers find lessons using the Teach Active filter – a route teachers love and find so easy to use. Where this may continue to be the ‘first choice’ when planning, teachers will now have the added option of asking the AI assistant to find a lesson based on the area of learning or objective they wish to teach.
Furthermore, you can state whether you want an indoor or outdoor lesson, one with resources or without – whatever you ask our AI assistant will search through the 3500 Teach Active lesson plans, and suggest the best one for you! Clever hey! Well that’s just the start! You can even ask AI Lesson Builder for an Intervention programme for a particular year group“I need a year 5 six week programme to help children with multiplication” – hey presto – Teach Active’s AI Lesson Builder will suggest a six week programme, using Teach Active plans and resources, and which build upon one another and show progression over the period of time.
Over the past few months I have worked with amazing team who have worked hard to put this together – and we are extremely proud of how this can now support our schools.
Moving forward, we will continue to personalise AI based on what you (our teachers) ask it – so if at first you get a question the AI planner struggles with, please know we see this, address it and cover it – meaning it becomes more intelligent to what teachers want and require.
For Teach Active subscribers, this is a free addition to Teach Active – please enjoy and let your new AI lesson builder plan an Active Maths or English lesson for you!