Notice Board

Thousands of children, teachers and schools – across the UK and internationally – are seeing the benefits of active learning. Keep up to date with the latest news, best practice and success stories from across the industry

Making the most of your PE and Sport Premium with Teach Active

Many schools around the country are already using their PE and Sport Premium funding to subscribe to Teach Active and embed active learning within their schools. In this blog we explore what the PE & Sport Premium is and offer some ideas to help you make the most out of the funding....

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Partnership Working - a joined up approach to active learning

At Teach Active, we know that active learning isn’t just about keeping children moving - it’s about creating children who are more active, who are happier, and who are achieving better. That’s why we’re thrilled to share our latest Partnership Report - a comprehensive guide to how Teach Active can work with your partnership/organisation to improve the impact of active learning across schools....

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Supporting SEND Pupils with Active Learning

Primary school classrooms are vibrant, dynamic environments where diverse learners come together to grow, explore, and thrive. Among these students are those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), who require tailored strategies to unlock their potential. Active learning, especially through programmes like Teach Active, offers a powerful way to engage SEND pupils in meaningful and enjoyable educational experiences....

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Back to School Challenge

We know that September is all about fresh starts, building relationships and establishing routines. So, we wanted our first seasonal activity of the academic year to focus on well-being, instilling good habits and kicking off the term with a positive start. Our Welcome Back! Activity is based on two of the five ways of well-being – Connect and Be Active....

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